Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Adventure #49: Summer Tour 2012 Seattle, Washington

After 2 weeks on the road we finally hit the west coast! It's been weeks since I've seen a single person that I'd ever met before who wasn't Joshua, Holly, or a drunken lecherous stuffed penguin. First order of business: find water. Mountains are great and all, but they don't have octopi. Unless they do, in which case: Crypto Mountain Octopi! (new band name?) After much discussion about whether the Puget Sound counts as the Pacific Ocean (it doesn't damnit!), we ended up at Golden Gardens and wandered around for a bit. The warm sand felt like heaven beneath my feet. So what if the water's on the wrong side? It was slightly too cold to actually go in, though that didn't stop me from trying. This is Pen Pen trying to fit in with all the grunge seagulls (which is my other new band name).

I met up with my cousins for dinner at a place called the Golden Beetle. Extracting from a sample size of two, I'm assuming that everything in Seattle is named “Golden Something...” The first few weeks were road food and processed crap. Eating real organic food for the last few days is a luxury I'm not used to on tour. We got to the venue and met up with Eric and Elizabeth from DVDOD and Safeword Sasquatch, who I played with last year. Seattle is a homecoming show for Joshua and Holly, so between their friends and my family there was a decent crowd for a Tuesday. The show was a lot of fun, and it was great seeing Joshua play to a hometown crowd who knew all his songs and sang along. Well, we made it to the coast. Now time to drive south for a week! This is Pen Pen with conclusive evidence of the existence of aliens.

This is a song I wrote one time. You should download it and share with your friends.

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