Friday, August 24, 2012

Adventure #44: Summer Tour 2012: Casper, Wyoming

The drive across Nebraska is really nice if you're not the sort of person for whom the sight of acres upon acres of dead corn fields dried up from drought causes existential crises about the unsustainability of American agriculture. Otherwise, it's great. It's also a great drive if you're in the sort of car where the gas gauge has any bearing on reality.

So we're in a 1995 Ford Aerostar that gets roughly 21 miles per gallon. It has an 18 gallon tank. So when it hits an 1/8 of a tank, that should mean “start looking for a gas station, but you'll be fine as long as you find one within 47.25 miles.” Not so for the Rusty Shackleford. We made it about 7 miles before it sputtered off to the side of the road. OK fine. Joshua and I both have AAA and we still had an hour of flex time before we needed to be in Casper, Wyoming. We learned the hard way that the gas gauge on the car is sort of arbitrary and that 1/8 of a tank = empty. But otherwise, we'd be fine. This is Pen Pen waiting patiently for roadside assistance.

So Joshua calls AAA and informs them we're at mile marker 2, right before the turn-off for exit 1 on I-80 on the Nebraska side of the Nebraska-Wyoming border. Jennifer the not terribly competent AAA employee proceeds to put him on hold for 20 minutes, then comes back to inform him that it's impossible, and that where we were simply didn't exist. Also insinuating in no uncertain terms that Joshua might be lying for some nefarious purpose. Some sort of Joker-Batman conundrum? The world will never know. This was news to us, but we had spent a good chunk of the drive discussing time travel paradoxes, so we were totally in the right frame of mind to be told that where we were didn't really exist. This is Pen Pen in a time travel paradox, somehow existing both now and a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Oh wait, did I say we were in the right frame of mind? Because no we definitely weren't. We were now almost certainly going to be late for the show and stranded in the hot Nebraska sun 3 tantalizing miles from the nearest gas station. Just close enough to be walkable, but far enough that if we attempted it we'd never make it anywhere even close to on time. 2 mind-bogglingly frustrating calls to AAA and about 45 Tom-Petty-on the-ukelele-filled minutes later (during which not a single person stopped to ask if we were much for midwestern hospitality...) a guy from AAA shows up. Re-fueled, we set off back on the road, slightly embarrassed for having run out of gas 3 miles from a gas station, but mostly late. We finally got to the venue only 30 minutes late and set about playing some folk songs for the surprisingly awesome patrons of Casper, Wyoming. This is Pen Pen strutting in to the venue 30 minutes late like the rock star he is.

This is a song I wrote one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

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