Monday, August 20, 2012

Adventure #41: Summer Tour 2012 Ames, Iowa

Joshua got an e-mail from the venue we were supposed to play at 3 in the morning saying the show was off. So we were pretty psyched about that. Nate Allen suggested we try this open mic in Ames, Iowa and get featured slots there since we were on tour. So we hit the road and made it to the venue just in time. The guy who ran it was super cool and let us each do longish sets. So it was all OK.

Alma from the Puppetry Guild was in town selling posters to college students (yay capitalism!) so that was legitimately awesome. One of the guys at the open mic actually played a song about Occupy and Alma and I couldn't stop giggling. I think he thought we were heckling him. It's just weird when someone sings a song about all your friends. But kind of awesome. This rad couple, JD and Markie let us crash on their floor afterward. I had pretty low expectations about the whole night, but honestly it ended up being a really fun night. Maybe slightly more stressful than I really wanted, but certainly better than it could have been. This is Pen Pen trying to find the leak in the brake lane because it's been that sort of day.

This is a song I wrote one time. You should download it and share with your friends.

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