Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adventure #42: Summer Tour 2012 Omaha, Nebraska

The brake line went from “huh, it probably shouldn't be using so much brake fluid” to “oh crap we're all gonna die!” on the doom-o-meter en route to Omaha. By the time we pulled into the venue the brake line was completely depressurized. Joshua found a shop that could take a look at it in the morning, so we promptly set about the business of rocking. There was one other act for the night; a husband and wife folk duo from Nashville called You Knew Me When. Which was good because it was a Monday night in a dive bar in Omaha, and it became apparent pretty quickly that we'd be each other's audiences. So we tried out new material on each other and were generally self-depreciating jackasses. It was kinda fun.

Joshua's friend Becky (who I'm pretty sure hates me for no discernible reason) suggested we hit up an open mic after the show. The audience was infinitely larger if only because 8 doesn't divide by 0. We found out later that both Andrew Bird and Mumford and Sons were in town, so pretty much any audience for vaguelly folkish alternarock in Omaha was otherwise preoccupied. We headed back to Becky's place, where she continued to hate me for no reason. But hey, her roomate had a cool oldschool VW bug. So, you know... Omaha! Jazz hands. This is Pen Pen, punch buggy gray.

This is a song I wrote one time. You should download it and share with your friends.

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