Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventure #7: Micro Papingo (Day 4)

Adventure #7: Micro Papingo (Day 4)

We started the day with a reading of my play “Our Lady of the Holy Powerstrip.” It's in its' first draft, so it was a little rough, but I got a lot of useful information, and great feedback. And I was hardly anxious at all about people reading my totally unfinished work. My very special glass of apple juice helped. This is Pen Pen reading the stage directions.

I sat on the porch and wrote for the rest of the afternoon. Around 6:30, Jess, Brian, Pen Pen, and I met up and headed down to Megalo to meet up with the rest of the company and drive to Aristi. We took the shortcut through the gorge which goes over this beautiful stone bridge. After trains and abandoned buildings, I'm a big fan of bridges. For those keeping track, this means that bridges are the opposite of air travel. Brian keeps talking about this Indiana Jones bridge that goes over the gorge a little further down. I tried to find it yesterday but only found a bridge made of two old logs and some rusted corrugated tin. It was definitely dangerous, but didn't scream “adventure in a dashing fedora” to me. It more screamed “tetanus at best, or more likely, falling and crushing your skull on the rocks below.” Normally that's a taunt that's hard to resist, but I had places to be. We took the normal bridge. Which is still pretty cool. This is Pen Pen crossing the gorge.

The whole company crowded into 3 cars and headed down the mountain to Aristi where the apprentices were performing. On the way we passed the river, which is the sort of blue that usually only exists in Crayola boxes and theme parks. Once we dropped the company off at Aristi, Mike, James, Rosy, Pen Pen and I headed back down to the river for an impromptu dive. It was about 25 feet from the rock to the water, which was extremely cold. Imagine being smacked upside the head with a bag full of coffee. I didn't have my bathing suit with me, so I dove in my shorts. Did I mention how cold it was? It also meant I spent the rest of the day slightly damp, desperately in need of a towel. Thus proving right Douglas Adams once and for all. Or at least Towelie. This is Pen Pen getting ready to jump.

We arrived in Aristi conspicuously wet. We ordered a few orange Fantas, and watched the apprentices' show, which had a really good local turnout. One guy had his phone out taking video the whole time. This is Pen Pen being an attentive audience member.

We got back to the house, where Sameerah and Bjorn had made a very tasty dinner for the whole company which involved sweet potato fries. After dinner, Amanda treated us to Story Time. It was a story about an Indian farmer with a magic cow that could give him anything he wanted. I would personally prefer a magic goat. This is Pen Pen reading Hindu stories.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

Tear Up the Stereo by The Androgynous Androids

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy things that involve sweet potato fries... You are a lucky man!!
