Thursday, August 26, 2010

Adventure #14: Sharon, CT (Days 1 and 2)

Adventure #14: Sharon, CT (Days 1 and 2)

Duchess County in Connecticut is a really beautiful place. It's located in the Berkshire mountains, surrounded by forests, big open farmland, and rivers. The Appalachian Trail runs through it. There's lots of hiking, scenic vistas, antique shops, and general quaint New Englandisms everywhere. There's also basically nothing to do there when it's raining. Which it was. So as soon as I got in, checked in with everyone in with whom I needed to check, and got everything ready for tech, I hopped in the car and headed to New Haven to meet up with Rosy, Matt, and Ally. This is Pen Pen briefly contemplating hiking the Appalachian Trail before the rain hit.

We met up with Rosy, Matt and Ally, and headed to a tapas restaurant called “Push200.” This restaurant is significant because it's the first fine dining establishment to be named after a late 90's pop-punk band. And Sum41's B&B doesn't count. Their wine selection is a joke. This is Pen Pen being fed goat cheese by Ally, while Matt pretends not to be jealous.

Afterwards we headed over to Brown Bear, which I've been told is where drunk girls go to get in bar fights. There were no bar fights. We played trivia and lost horribly. Although we were all proud that our random guess that Tim Roth played Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs was right. Go us! After 2 humiliating rounds, we decided to go up to Sullivan's where Ethan's birthday was going on. Familiar faces abounded. It turns out I know pretty much the entire incoming class of grad students at Yale. So that's cool. This is Pen Pen wishing Ethan a very special Birthday.

Rosy and I drove back up to Sharon, and barely got lost at all. The next morning I had to take Rosy to the train station so she could go back to New York City. We drove past a few dilapidated buildings and abandoned farms. We found one that had once been a rather prosperous farm, but had caught fire and been abandoned at some point. Or the other way around. The family that owned the land had built a small ranch house on the property and put one of those inflatable blue plastic WalMart pools out back while the ruins of the large farm sat boarded up and overgrown mere feet away. Trees grew out of the front door. It was pretty awesome. This is Pen Pen pretty sure no-one's home.

After a breakfast at a quintissentially small town American diner, I dropped Rosy off and headed back to the theatre for a long day of rehearsal. I headed back to the lake house where I'm staying, hoping the weather would improve in the morning so I could explore some of the mountain trails I've been seeing signs for. This is Pen Pen trying to decide if our room was originally the Servant's Quarters or a linen closet.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

Esquivalience by nathanleigh

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