Monday, August 16, 2010

Adventure #10: Micro Papingo to Athens

Adventure #10: Micro Papingo to Athens

Our bus was leaving at 5. So we all gathered at the house for one final meeting about this summer and next and how to plan the next development retreat. We did actually do a lot of work this week. I just wrote about the fun stuff because it's hard to write irreverent stories about thoughtful analysis of plays from the point of view of a stuffed penguin. I tried. Honestly, I did. This is Pen Pen sitting on the ledge enjoying one last Mythos before we left Papingo.

There were many tearful goodbyes at the house. James and Ianthe took me, Rosy, Pen Pen, SJ, Danny, Nick, Bjorn, and Brian down to Ioananananananana. As I closed up my bag the last time, several of the teeth on the zipper snapped off. I was not pleased. I got this bag from the Delatizkys for my Bar Mitzvah. It's gone more places than Pen Pen. I fixed it up quickly and hoped for the best. We got to Ionanananananananaana and said goodbye to James and Ianthe. This is Pen Pen fighting back tears as he says goodbye to James.

At Ionanananananananananananananana, we waited for the bus. Outside, an ice delivery truck showed up bringing an unexpected love interest for Pen Pen. Alas, it was not to be. She was Greek Orthodox, and her family would never accept a Jewish penguin. This is Pen Pen staring forlorn at his love.

The bus ride was long, but painless, and quite beautiful. I wrote a little bit of this crazy Orpheus adaptation I've been thinking about, and Rosy napped. Danny acted as our defacto tour guide, pointing out the cool buildings and structures we passed. We crossed a giant white bridge over the sea. Danny told us it was built for the Olympics. Before there were just ferries. The coast was dotted with ancient ruins of coastal fortresses. Someday I will have to come here and explore. This is Pen Pen staring out at the sea.

When we got to Athens it was close to midnight. Brian took his own cab. Rosy, Danny, Nick, SJ, Bjorn, Pen Pen and I headed to the hotel. Danny, Nick, and SJ took one cab, and the rest of us headed in another behind them. The rest of us being the half of the group that spoke little to no Greek and had never really been to Athens before. I had heard you're supposed to make sure the cab driver turns on the meter, or else he'll make up a price and rip you off. When we got in the cab, I told him to turn on the meter. He turned on the overhead light. Obviously he spoke enough English to know what “turn on” meant. We sighed with the knowledge that we were going to get scammed, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. 20 Euros later, we got to the hotel and Danny asked a cop nearby. He confirmed. We got ripped off. Le sigh. Most of the group was leaving in the morning, but Rosy and I are sticking around for a few more days for further adventuring. Thus ends the One Year Lease 2010 Papingo retreat. We headed up to our tiny tiny room, and tried to repair my bag. This is Pen Pen sewing over the zipper.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

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