Monday, August 9, 2010

Adventure #3: The Journey from Dusseldorf to Micro Papingo

Adventure #3: The Journey from Dusseldorf to Micro Papingo
We boarded our flight to Athens around 14:30. The plane took off and made a horrible buzzing noise, so I was pretty sure we were all going to die. We didn't, which I thought was a nice gesture on the part of Agean Air. James and I were sitting next to each other this time. Pen Pen rode first class, of course, because he's a pimp. This is Pen Pen looking down at all of us plebeians from behind the divider.
James and I slept through most of the flight. When we landed in Athens a bunch of people on the plane applauded, presumably to show their appreciation for also having not died in a horrible fiery plane crash. James' bag didn't transfer so we had to pick it up and re-check it. I'm pretty sure that's where I lost the chocolates I bought in Dusseldorf. This is Pen Pen waiting for luggage.
The flight to Ioannina was relatively painless. We slept most of the way. Ioannina is pronounced the same way you'd pronounce an arrow hitting its' mark in a cartoon. Not “thwip” but “yananananananana.” Pen Pen was greeted with much fanfare. This is Pen Pen in front of the airport.
We weren't greeted by Ianthe or Rosy. They're both dead to me now. Instead it was Mike and Amanda. Also good. This is Pen Pen stealing James' girlfriend.
Mike drove us up the winding mountain roads. Pen Pen wanted to drive, but couldn't reach the pedals. This is Pen Pen at the wheel.
We got to Megalo Papingo where the rest of the company was having dinner. Warm welcomes abounded. There was more food than any of us could possibly eat. Also more booze. This is Pen Pen eating all the food.
After I fell asleep at the dinner table, Mike drove us up to Micro Papingo where all the One Year Leasers live. Rosy, Pen Pen, and I have a room at Dias' where I stayed last year. We got home, unpacked a little, and passed right out after a long day of travel. This is Pen Pen asleep in his bed.
Here's this song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

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