Thursday, October 14, 2010

Adventure #26: Fall 2010 Tour (Day 11)

Adventure #26: Fall 2010 Tour (Day 11)

The guys at the Chicago Toyota dealership said there was nothing leaking from my car, so that's good. But apparently I have a bunch of other work that needs to be done, so that's less good. They said it could wait until I got home, but I should try to take care of it as soon as I can. So I got back on the road and headed off towards Cincinnati. The road passed through Indianapolis. I had an hour or so to kill, and I thought of stopping and visiting the Piradical guys, but I couldn't remember the address to the house, and it seemed like driving around arbitrarily, hoping I recognized a street was probably not a great idea. Instead I decided to stop and visit the Benjamin Harrison House because there were signs to it. For reasons still unknown, the Piradical House is not a national landmark. This is the 3rd presidential landmark I've visited in the past 4 days. I've decided that my new quest is to visit the birthplaces of every American president while on tour. Not sure when I'll be able to make it to Honolulu though (or Kenya if you're an idiot). This is Pen Pen grateful for the opportunity to cultivate yet another esoteric hobby.

As I pulled into Cincinnati, my trip-o-meter clicked 3000 miles. I called Jenny, who was on her way to the show and tried to find a place to grab a quick dinner. As it turns out the venue itself has an outstanding vegetarian selection, so we just ate there. This is Pen Pen with his travel companion, Jew Duck, beholding the awesome might of round numbers.

The show was a lot of fun. Jenny's whole family (minus Michelle who's in Boston, and her kids, because they're tiny) came out for the show, which was awesome. There were also a few people that I didn't know who were there just for the show, which is always a good feeling. I played for 2 hours, and the owner and some of her friends even danced a bit during some of my patented ridiculous covers. By patented, of course, I mean copyrighted works for which I don't pay royalties. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. This is Pen Pen excited to have 2nd billing to the vegan soup of the day.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.
Nathan Leigh - Arms Outstretched

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