Monday, October 4, 2010

Adventure #17: Fall 2010 Tour (Day 2)

Adventure #17: Fall 2010 Tour (Day 2)

I woke up on Rich and Rose's couch about 10 minutes before my alarm went off. Couches will do that to you. We had breakfast and hung out for a bit before I hit the road. Krissy came over to pick up Rose, further proving my theory that the complex where they live is just our dorms from sophomore year transported a few miles west. This is Pen Pen being eaten by Krissy.

The drive from Uconn to Boston is basically autopilot for me at this point. I mostly spent a lot of time trying to figure out the chords to Jawbreaker's “Tour Song,” and avoiding speed traps. I stopped at my folk's place in Newton first to drop off some things and empty out my car a bit. But I forgot my keys to their house in Brooklyn. Go me! So I headed over to the venue instead. This is Pen Pen in front of the All Asia.

I used to play All Asia pretty regularly, so it was nice coming back to it. Sort of a homecomming show. Rebecca showed up with her cavalcade of siblings in tow, and Corrine stopped by on a break from a rehearsal. My parents came too. Also lots of other people. The room was pretty much packed at it's peak. Not bad for a Sunday afternoon. Thom Dunn started things off and played a killer song about being in love with Ellen from Pete and Pete. Seriously. I am determined to make a mashup video at some point. Marina Evans followed. She's friends with Dave from The Bremmentown Musicians, and I was totally blown away. The Bremmentown Musicians played a set of awesome folk and bluegrass, including "What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor." I've known those guys in varying other bands for years, so it was cool to see their new project. I think this was their 3rd or 4th show. I played last, and did a mix of old and new stuff. It was nice when the room of people chatting quieted down for “Let's Get Lost.” That can be a hard one to do in a full room. I think people really enjoyed themselves, and I definitely did. Show number 2: total win. This is Pen Pen wishing they had Big Buck Hunter at the bar.

My parents took me out for Indian food after the show at this place nearby. It was delicious. It's sort of like going out for pizza after soccer practice, except I didn't really play soccer as a kid, and I'm 26. If there is a more perfect food than saag panir, I'd like to see it. And then eat it. After dinner, I stopped in at the rehearsal for the next Speakeasy show (Body Awareness) that I'm designing and composing later in the month. The score is for 2 acoustic guitars and a cello. It takes place in Vermont. I decided harmonica was overkill. This is Pen Pen on his way to the rehearsal hall.

I got back to my folks place and started getting stuff ready for the rest of the week. This is the last stop on my tour where I have a guaranteed bed to sleep in. From here on out: couches and floors! Next up: Troy, New York. Because, why not? This is Pen Pen enjoying his last night of relative comfort for a few weeks.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

You'll Never Want to Go Home by nathanleigh

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