Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Adventure #25: Fall 2010 Tour (Day 10)

Adventure #25: Fall 2010 Tour (Day 10)

I slept through most of the morning (including the complimentary continental breakfast. Sad face.) but was determined to see some of Milwaukee. At the suggestion of Cassandra, Edwin from The Commuter Exit's wife, I headed down to the waterfront. I crossed a river near, the Pabst Theatre where Darius Rucker will be assaulting the unsuspecting denizen's of the city that beer built with his greatest hit later in the week. I parked and went down to the river where there was a life sized bronze statue of one of my childhood heroes: Arthur Fonzarelli. This is Pen Pen coining a new term by jumping the Fonz.

I headed down to the lake and watched the sail boats, wishing I had could rent one and sail around the lake for a bit. Before heading out of town, I remembered that Jesse had told me to try their frozen custard, so I stopped at the first place I saw with a sign for it: an Omega Burger. I'm certain going to Milwaukee and getting frozen custard at a fast food place is the equivalent of going to Brooklyn and getting a bagel at Dunkin Donuts, but it was tasty nonetheless. This is Pen Pen enjoying Milwaukee's greatest delicacy that's not cheap beer.

The drive to Chicago was painless and short, but when I got in, I noticed something leaking from my car. Danger, Will Robinson. It was too late to get it looked at, so I resolved to get it taken care of first thing in the morning. Cars are expensive. Next time I'm just going to steal one. That seems like it'd be easier, although I'll have to learn how to hotwire. It can't be that hard, right? I had a few hours to kill, and also a few hours of work to do, so I holed up in a little coffee shop for a bit and tried to be productive. This is Pen Pen mixing some hot beats, or, you know, tasteful guitar and cello duets.

I met up with Brennan before the show and picked up some empanadas. We hung out for a bit before heading over to the venue. Monday nights are usually the hardest night to get people out to a show, so it wasn't surprising that it wasn't the best attended event in the history of mankind. I was mostly just happy to see some old friends and not have to drive 8 hours for once. But there were enough people there, all of whom seemed to have a good time and genuinely enjoy it. The bartender and the door guy were pretty awesome and asked me to come back next time I'm coming through Chicago, so I definitely will probably. Brandon came up and sang a few songs with me, though my attempts to cajole him into singing Hound Dog were unsuccessful. After the show we went back to Brandon and John's place and hung out for a while playing Halo. Like Rochester, this maybe wasn't the best show of all time, but it was still a really fun night. This is Pen Pen taking over the Olbow Room and running the bar.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

Selling Your Soul by nathanleigh

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