Friday, July 26, 2013

Adventure #75: Falmouth, Maine

It was probably a bad idea to start a tour of this length and ambition on such a huge deficit of sleep, but here we are. With one leg out the door and the other firmly implanted in bed. Just 5 more minutes. Just 5 more minutes. And I thought about how nice it would be for once to be the kind of person who has friends instead of collaborators and comrades. To be the kind of person who does things that are fun and not exciting. To be the kind of person who stays put in one place long enough to get to know their neighbors. And I thought is this really necessary? Is it really necessary to pack up everything after 3 months without so much as a day off and drive to Maine to play a show? And a little voice said “yes.” It was a penguin. This penguin. This is Pen Pen, voice of wisdom and irresponsibility, forcing me out the door.

So the plan was to get to Maine by 5 to get a little Greg McKillop time before the show. The plan was also to swing by Mas House and pick up some zines to distribute for free. The plan was also to swing by Jesse and Liz's to drop off the Queerspawn Tshirts. Around noon, I realized that I'd have to abandon the zines for the time being if I wanted to be on time. That's OK. I'll still drop off the shirts and get some Greg time. So I disassembled T-shirt mountain. Sorted and inventoried the mess and packed up the Hatchback of Notre Dame. This is Pen Pen, King of T-shirt Mountain.

Then the traffic. Oh the traffic. What should have been a 5 hour drive turned into 6. Then 7. Then 8. The show had already started. I missed Greg's set. I missed at least one other act. But as I crossed over the Maine border, I looked to my left and saw one of the most beautiful blood red sunsets I've ever seen, and it occurred to me that if I hadn't hit so much traffic I would have been in a basement and not seen that sunset. And I'm not sure I would make that trade. But I made it to the house. A small army of kids sprawled out in the back yard of someone's house. A slapdash PA barely assembled in a wood paneled basement covered in show posters and instruments. Kat Goldberg. This is Pen Pen surprised to discover Sean Connery was in 90s ska/punk band Goldfinger..

The other acts (the ones I saw at least) were amazing. Greg Strong (Holy Shadow) is probably going to rule the world someday. And it turns out I'm playing with Kowabunga! Kid again tonight. So that's really awesome. It's like a mini-tour. Also they're playing across the street from my house at Goodbye Blue Monday on Sunday though I wont be there. But you should be. They're awesome surf-punk-noise-rock. We all headed back (me, the penguin, Kowabunga! Kid, and this guy Sam who knew Kowabunga! Kid and was on some sort of cross-country quest for enlightenment) to Kat's house and ate pickled beets and carrots. Kat and I stayed up all night gossiping and catching up, and I don't remember falling asleep. But as far as first days of a 30 day tour go, it's hard to beat. This is Pen Pen making some sort of Speaker for the Dead reference, probably involving Jane or something, I the books.

This is a song I wrote one time. You should download it and share with your friends.

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