Saturday, February 23, 2013

Adventure #67: Indianapolis, Indiana

Over the past 2 years of solo touring, Indianapolis has emerged as my favorite city to play. My friends there are some of the best people I know. I don't tour to make money, though (fingers crossed) I've never not at least broken even on a tour. I don't tour to “make it” because that's a stupid phrase and means nothing. I tour to meet new people. I tour to visit old friends that I don't see nearly often enough. I tour for late night conversations with total strangers about the state of the world. And I tour because there is literally nothing in the world that beats hearing a new crowd of people sing your songs back to you every night. This is Pen Pen wondering if it'd be weird to get a Piradical tattoo.

So I woke up still snowed in at the Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center in St. Louis. Mark, the guy who runs the center, came down to say hi while I waited for the snow plows to maybe consider clearing the roads (if they felt like it...). An epic conversation about activism, art, DIY, racism / gentrification, experimental music, the legacy of occupy, and basically everything else that matters erupted over coffee. Not to put too fine a point on it (say I'm the only bee in your bonnet) but the contrast between my experience in Conway and St. Louis couldn't have been starker. Both shows were canceled largely due to weather. But there is no question in my mind about where Mark and LNAC stand on the line between community and commerce. This is Pen Pen debating the difference between anarchism and nihilism with Bushy the Blindsided Bear.

I hit the road and headed off to Indianapolis. I had been looking forward to this show all week. The bands were all great (Roller Toaster = my new favorite band. “We want you to know that we are huge supporters of NASA but we're against monkey rape.” Is maybe the best song introduction ever?). The room was full, and nearly everyone I had been hoping to see was there (Mitch was at a different show. What a jerk. Also Margie decided it was more important to spend time with her newborn son. Some people are so selfish.) The No Direction girls were there, and handed me an early copy of their new CD! I've already listened to it twice because it's punk rawk and like 15 minutes long and awesome. This is Pen Pen fighting the eternal battle between punx and hipsters.

I hope I never get used to hearing a room full of people singing every word to my songs, nearly drowning me out. It's been happening more and more lately, and it's still so surprising and wonderful. The day I take that feeling for granted is the day I need to quit touring. In the morning (OK, afternoon. Late afternoon. Punx need their beauty sleep.) we headed to Teppanyaki Chinese Buffet for Scotty's birthday. It was terrible. It was glorious. Every time I come to Indy and spend time with my Pirad friends, it gets harder and harder to leave. Someday I might just stay. This is a bunny made out of lemons and a giant muppet.

This is a song I wrote one time. You should download it and share with your friends.

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