Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adventure #33: 2011 Tour (Indianapolis, IN)

There's something about Indianapolis that reminds me of Boston. I'm not sure what it is, but every time I come through I feel oddly at home. It was a perfect early spring day when I pulled into Indy and all I wanted was to find a good yard sale and hopefully pick up some cheap instruments or Super Nintendo games or something cool. This hasn't been a tour full of many souvenirs. I drove around aimlessly for a little while hoping for a sign or two. But all I could find were signs for houses for sale, which is not the same at all. Finally I decided to check out this art museum on the north side of town that I had heard had a cool house installation piece. The museum was attached to an art school and had mostly pieces from its students, which were by and large pretty amazing. This is Pen Pen posing for the cover of his Led Zeppelin cover band's next album.

Outside was a sculpture court with pieces from all over the country. Mostly steel and iron works. The house was in the back, and is one of the coolest pieces of large scale conceptual art I've seen. This is Pen Pen sad that this is the one house in Indy that's NOT for sale.

I made it to the venue around 6 and walked around for a while trying to figure out if I was in the right place. The Hoosier Dome (not to be confused with the former home of the Colts) is a store-front DIY space in what used to be a discount tobacco store. There are pretty much no markings or anything at all to indicate that it's any sort of performance space. Luckily other people started to show up around 6:30 and I stopped worrying that I was in the wrong place. The show was a lot of fun. I really like the Piradical crew. Of all the people I've played shows for, their community is one of the most warm and welcoming in the country. (I also write periodically for their blog, so I'm obviously totally unbiased in this...) It seemed like pretty much everyone there was in some way shape or form involved in putting it together, so it felt like a real community event which is always awesome. This is Pen Pen working their state of the art lighting system.

After the show, Cory, Mitch, Stephen, Sasha and I went bowling at 3am, which seemed like a really good idea at the time. They go fairly frequently and are all pretty good (even Sasha who was essentially blind without her contacts in). I haven't been in maybe a year, and wasn't very good a year ago. I bowled a 42 the first game and a 57 the second game. My goal was to get at least half of Stephen's score. I successfully didn't do that, so now clearly I have to practice my bowling before I come back to Indy to save my (already prettymuch non-existent) dignity. We headed back to the Pirad house around 5 and I fell asleep about 2 minutes into Tron. This is Pen Pen abiding.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.
L Train Ode by nathanleigh

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