Thursday, February 17, 2011

Adventure #31: 2011 Tour (Lock Haven, PA and Lima, OH)

Adventure #31: 2011 Tour (Lock Haven, PA and Lima, OH)

In the summer of 2005 I worked at a tiny theatre in Mill Hall, PA called The Millbrook Playhouse. The hours were long and the pay was...minimal. True, I met some close friends there that I am deeply grateful to know, but it still stands as a low water mark in my life when I need something to compare a bad experience to in order to make myself feel better. I lived in the Lock Haven dorms, where my greatest joy was tormenting my roomate, Eric. Also drinking. Those were as far as I can recall, my only two joys of that summer. Luckily I did them both whenever possible. As such I've felt no need to return to the great city of Lock Haven, PA. But while planning this tour, I saw a coffeeshop venue in Lock Haven that had good reviews from some performers that had passed through. The vampire's call of nostalgia was too powerful to resist. So into my Toyota Albatross I climbed and set sail for adventure! I made it to Avenue 209 Coffee just in time for the show. This is Pen Pen playing a rousing rendition of Denis Leary's Asshole song which almost got Eric and I fired this one time.

The show was small, but it was an enthusiastic audience at least. A few people bought CDs, and I was deeply amused to discover that there were 2 Millbrook board members in attendance. Sadly they were not Hobermans, the makers of the kugel that basically saved my life that summer. There was a woman there with her son who spent the whole time drawing in the background. Before she left, she handed me an abstract picture she had drawn in Cray Pas. She told me it was my show in painting form. I think it's probably better than my show was. This is Pen Pen, frankly humbled.

After the show I hit up a bar with Camille and a few of her friends. Sadly I couldn't remember the name of the bar where I wasted many a post-show evening back in the day. I'm pretty sure this wasn't it. There were no darts, as far as I could tell. And Journey was most definitely and disappointingly not playing on the jukebox. Somehow I got into a discussion about Nirvana vs. Dubstep. This is like arguing Apples vs. Hoverboards. Both good, but not really comparable. We compromised on the dubstep remix of Smells Like Teen Spirit, which is pretty sweet. Camille let me crash out on a couch in her dance studio which was surprisingly comfortable. This is Pen Pen totally hitting on an Elite Cheerleader.

In the morning I had 3 goals. They were:
  1. visit the Millbrook Playhouse and see if it was still not on fire. (It was. Not on fire, that is)
  2. visit Sheetz for a sweet sweet Shmagel; the holy grail of road food. Also one of the two things I ate that summer. Lock Haven is not known for it's vegetarian faire. (Hence the life-saving Hoberman Kugel)
  3. See the Amish hitching their horses and buggies in front of the Walmart across the street from the theatre (that was quite literally their advertising tagline back in my day. The Millbrook Playhouse! Across The Street From The Walmart! I kid you not.)

I accomplished 2 of those goals. Sadly the Amish were too busy raising a barn. This is Pen Pen in front of a theatre which is not on fire.

The drive to Lima was unexciting. Much like Lima. Everyone at the Meeting Place was super friendly, but the place was pretty much dead. If the previous nights' show had been small but appreciative, this was just small. Most people in the place sat as far away from the performance area as possible and interacted as little as possible. John, who works there sometimes brought out his guitar and asked if I'd play it since he'd never used its' pick-up before. It was a nice electric acoustic Alvarez with a really bright tone. I think the highlight of the night was when he asked if I knew Desperado. I said I didn't, and somehow we compromised on Mr. Bright Side which I had also never played but at least figured I could fake it. The Eagles vs. The Killers? Hey 2006, I've got a great idea for a mash-up for you! I think I'm going to add it to the repertoire now. This is Pen Pen playing imaginary chess with the imaginary audience.

This is a song I wrote this one time. You should download it and share it with your friends.

Family of Ghosts (demo1) by nathanleigh


  1. Awesome. Just awesome. But you forgot the third joy that came out of that horrific summer: being friends with me. Also the name of the bar was uncle something...albert maybe? I think I heard that it closed. Sad. And I think of you every time I hear the Asshole song--and how it almost got us fired this one time.
